
Piano Migrations at Lisboa Soa

30 September, 2019

I had the wonderful opportunity to show Piano Migrations at an incredible location, the Estufa Fria (cold […]

Nesta FutureFest

6 October, 2015

On 28-29 September 2013, Nesta organised on a fantastic weekend – FUTURE FEST, to which I was very pleased to be […]

If Wet…

23 October, 2013

I’m part of the rather wonderful compilation of tracks put together to raise funds for the next season of If Wet […]

Birds Insects and Sound Machines

10 September, 2013

At the end of our residency at Villa Waldberta in Bavaria, myself and Matthew Olden put on an audio-visual concert on July […]

Audiograft festival

3 March, 2013

Just returned from Audiograft Festival in Oxford – had a great time, and saw and heard some wonderful gigs and […]

in an empty swimming pool…

5 August, 2012

On July 31st, ORNIS had the wonderful opportunity to perform in an empty swimming pool in Bristol, currently in the care of […]

Norberg Festival 2012

1 August, 2012

Back from ANOTHER great great time at Norberg Festival, and a pleasure to be with old good friends form EMS and Fylkingen, […]

Active Crossover, Arnolfini

11 December, 2011

I was invited to perform at Simon Whetham‘s Active Crossover event at the Arnolfini, Bristol on December 8th 2011. […]

Swedish Energies in New York

7 December, 2011

Just back from New York, performing a collaborative piece with Daniel Skoglund at the Issue Project Room, Brooklyn as part of […]

Cardew in Bath

5 June, 2011

Yesterday I took part in the epic Cornelius Cardew piece, The Great Learning at Bath International Music Festival. The […]

Cia.8 Nova Dança

8 December, 2010

Whilst in Brazil, in winter 2010, I had the pleasure of being introduced to choreographer / dancer Lu Favoreto. We were […]