
Fort Process

25 November, 2018

It was a great pleasure to be a part of the fantastic festival Fort Process, set in the unique location of Newhaven […]

Talk at KIKK Festival, 2016

9 January, 2017

I was invited to give a presentation at KIKK festival in Namur, Belgium, in November 2016. KIKK is an international festival […]

Nesta FutureFest

6 October, 2015

On 28-29 September 2013, Nesta organised on a fantastic weekend – FUTURE FEST, to which I was very pleased to be […]

Lithuanian Piano Migrations

15 July, 2013

It was with great pleasure that I took up the opportunity to show Piano Migrations in Vilnius, Lithuania. The location has […]

Audiograft festival

3 March, 2013

Just returned from Audiograft Festival in Oxford – had a great time, and saw and heard some wonderful gigs and […]

Laced Words at Almanac Festival

2 March, 2013

I collaborated with artist Arabel Rosillo de Blas to create the video projection and sound piece  Laced Words. It was […]

Almost Cinema

25 October, 2011

I have just finished taking part in the wonderful Almost Cinema festival in Ghent, Belgium. I exhibited the […]

back on the canals

29 September, 2011

We are on a different boat cruising the north West canals of England on the good ship DIPPER (also dubbed, the Olden Hinde) […]

Mostra SESC de Artes

20 November, 2010

Piano Migrations was shown at the festival Mostra SESC de Artes, Sao Paulo, Brazil in November/December 2010. The […]