Tipping Point at Ars Electronica

10 September, 2015

I have just returned from exhibiting Tipping Point at the OK centre in Linz, Austria as part of the Cyberarts exhibition […]

Luminous Birds premiere

27 August, 2015

I have just returned from Kidderminster Arts Festival, installing Luminous Birds  – a new temporary light piece […]

Prix Ars Electronica

4 July, 2015

I’m thrilled to hear that  ‘Tipping Point‘ has received an Honorary Mention for the Prix Ars Electronica […]

New Sadhana Dance collaboration

22 May, 2015

Last week we worked on the beginnings of a new show with Sadhana Dance. Myself and Matthew Olden worked on video and […]

Bristol Green Capital Launch

29 January, 2015

On Saturday 24th January, the show ‘Bridging the Gap’, produced by Cirque Bijou marked the launch and celebration […]

Powerplant in Malta

20 October, 2014

Powerplant is an audio visual trio with Joby Burgess on live percussion, myself projecting live visuals and live sound […]

Tipping Point Premiere and tour

27 May, 2014

My new audio-visual installation Tipping Point premiered at Norfolk and Norwich Festival on May 9th, followed by my premiere […]

Cove Park Residency

20 March, 2014

Just returned from a wonderful 2 week residency at Cove Park near Loch Lomond in Scotland. I went with Matthew Olden to work […]

Club Quiet at The Island.

25 February, 2014

Thanks to an invitation from Henry Liam Collins, I had the pleasure of joining a great line up for the February edition of […]

Sounding The River

28 November, 2013

Sounding The River explored the hidden beauty of Birmingham’s urban River Rea. This nocturnal exploration of […]

If Wet…

23 October, 2013

I’m part of the rather wonderful compilation of tracks put together to raise funds for the next season of If Wet […]