Kathy Hinde

Sound Pools : 2024

Created for the boardwalk at Wicken Fen Nature reserve, a series of Sound Pools invite you to be bathed in the hidden sounds from the Fen. Sounds from underwater and underground are elevated into a series of overhead, directional, dome speakers, inviting you to step in and out of different soundworlds as you approach the Brick Kiln pond. Become immersed in the chirping sounds of underwater invertebrates and crackling sounds of fish from the ponds and lodes. Become curious about sounds hidden deep inside the peat where carbon and time are held. Recordings have been made from the beginning of 2024 to explore the underwater and underground soundworlds through the seasons in celebration of Wicken Fen’s 125 year anniversary.

Open from 18th July to mark World Listening Day 2024, showing every day until 29 September during Wicken Fen’s usual opening hours.

Part of a wider project Listen to the Voices of the Fen, by Kathy Hinde in Partnership with Wicken Fen and Babylon Arts to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Wicken Fen. Listen to the Voices of the Fen invites you to actively listen to the voices of many different species at Wicken Fen.

This project is supported using public funding by The National Lottery through Arts Council England. Images © Mike Selby / National Trust

Photo © National Trust Images/ Mike Selby
Photo © National Trust Images/ Mike Selby

Listen to Sound Pool 1, which includes recordings of bubbles rising in the ditch next to Sedge Fen, (recorded underwater in February 2024) combined with underwater sounds where Wicken Lode joins Monks Lode, recorded in June 2024, where there were many fish visible in the water.

Photo © National Trust Images/ Mike Selby
Photo © National Trust Images/ Mike Selby
Photo © National Trust Images/ Mike Selby
Photo © National Trust Images/ Mike Selby

Listen to Sound Pool 2, which includes recordings of rain on Wicken Lode recorded underwater and above water in May 2024; underwater sounds at Drainers Dyke recorded in June 2024; underground recordings made 3 metres deep into peat on Sedge Fen recorded in June 2024 and underwater sounds in the ditch behind the old wind pump on Sedge Fen recorded in July 2024

Photo © National Trust Images/ Mike Selby
Photo © National Trust Images/ Mike Selby

Listen to Sound Pool 3, which includes recordings made underwater at Brick Kiln Pond made in February 2024 and recordings made underwater at the pond between Sedge Fen and Roger Clarke Hide during June 2024.