Come Outside : 2007
Created with Polar Produce in 2007 for the Enter_ Festival, Cambridge.
People were invited to ‘Come Outside’ for a bike ride. Bicycles were provided with custom-made dynamo battery chargers, and participants were invited on a bike ride out of the city into a rural location. The energy generated as participants peddled was harnessed in batteries, and the cyclists were promised a refreshing cup of tea made with water boiled from this energy.
Whilst the kettle heated the water, a short, informal lecture on energy transfer was delivered. After the maths was calculated, it turned out that 24 people cycling 2.5km created enough energy to make one luke-warm cup of tea, revealing just how much energy is needed to use electricity to heat water.
For this project, Polar Produce was Teresa Dillon, Kathy Hinde, Maarten De Laat and Philip O’Dwyer.
Thanks to the Enter_ festival for supporting the first iteration of ‘Come Outside’, to Tom Bugs for his input and co-development on the battery chargers and to CityCycle Hire for providing the bikes.