Vocal Migrations at Mayfest

I created a larger scale version of the Vocal Migrations installation for Mayfest at the fantastic venue Factory Studios in Barton Hill, Bristol.
With expert help from Will Datson, Matthew Olden, Jess Rotas, Simon Whetham and more Mayfest volunteers we rigged quite a large paper maze… I made a soundscape of some vocal sounds and lit the room in a moody blue light. The audience were introduced to the ‘Echo Locating’ technology in a side room and shown how to sample their own voice, and listen to how it alters with proximity to an obstacle. I then took each person, one by one, into the Maze room, and blindfolded them, inviting them to trust their ears, and navigate by listening to their voice, and how their own voice is altered using the distance sensors on the Vocal Migrations technology…
Here is an extract of how it sounded with a few people navigating…
and here are a few pics…