Kathy Hinde

25 January, 2020



Whilst in Moscow, I was keen to meet artists involved with Soundartist.ru – a community of independent artists working in the fields of experimental sound, media and technology-based arts. SA)) have studios at Khodynka Gallery and a gallery space at Electromuseum set up for presenting multi-channel sound works. I’d previously been in touch, because I’m planning a second trip to Moscow later in February to work with them. I’m always keen to connect with artist run initiatives, being as I’m part of the Bristol collective BEEF (Bristol Experimental Expanded Film).

I first met Oleg Makarov, who is a very active sound artist making work that combines sound and technology. He has experimented with drawn sound techniques, and often makes connections between art and science. He also teaches classes at SA)) Studios. I went to the studios to also meet Vitalina Kolemagina, who plays ‘no-input’ mixer and organises a lot of the SA)) activity. We discussed aspects of my next trip, where I will work in the studios for a few days, run a small synth making workshop, and then exhibit a new multichannel version of my ‘Twittering Machines’ project at the SA)) Gallery in Electromuseum. When I arrived at the studios, Oleg was running a class on how to build an oscillator circuit, and demonstrating some feedback techniques using contact mics. The room was buzzing, with many electrical components, flashing lights, circuits plugged into mixers, leads, wires, audio gear and tonnes of creativity, enthusiasm and humour (although my Russian is really not up to scratch to know what was fully going on!). I felt very at home there, and I’m really looking forward to running a workshop on my next visit.  The workshop will be to build a small synth that incorporates electronic textiles which can be housed inside a soft toy. It’s part of a collaborative project I’m part of under the name PRRRRRT! … which looks good in cyrillic : ПРРРРРТ!  … I’m Looking forward to hopefully getting more embedded in the SA)) Community.

SA)) also have a radio show on radio.syg.ma here  – it’s a good listen.


Oleg also took me to see a ‘new’ space, Solyanka Gallery, that is currently under renovation, but is already functioning as a gallery and a lively arts hub. It is hoped that SA)) community will move into the space in the future. It’s a great location and really amazing building. I met the director Katya, who showed me a fantastic space on the first floor which they aim to eventually have ready for live performances, but in the meantime, when it is a little more ready, it will be used as a streaming ‘sound art gallery’ for live performances / rehearsals / experiments – that are all live streamed. Below is a picture of that room, and the space launches on 19th Feb – (which, happily, is the day I return to Moscow on my second trip to Russia). I must say, the ‘unfinished’ room is beautiful, and I thought it was an art installation when I entered! … also a few more pics from the SA)) Studios workshop.
