Kathy Hinde

1 April, 2020

SWCTN – DATA Fellowship

I’m delighted to announce that I have joined the South West Creative Technology Network as a Data Fellow. Along with 23 other fellows, selected from academia, industry and new talent, with a dynamic production team, I’ll be creatively thinking about the effects and impacts of data from many perspectives. I’m excited at the possibilities of this time of in-depth research with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

I aim to focus my research on Water Data in the South West, and will be developing creative methods to explore a variety of data sets concerned with water. I’m keen to weave this research into the practice of field recording through a series of “Deep Listening Walks” – following waterways whilst listening underwater using hydrophones. I’ll be devising ways to incorporate experiences based on water data as part of these walks. I expect this research fellowship to challenge my usual ways of working, and lead me to new ideas and methods.

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The South West Creative Technology Network is led by the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), in partnership with Watershed in Bristol, Kaleider in Exeter, Bath Spa University, the University of Plymouth and Falmouth University.

The grant is part of Research England’s Connecting Capabilities Fund, which supports university collaboration and encourages commercialisation for products made through partnership with industry.

Images below : Listening with hydrophones to pools in the peat bogs of the flow country. Photo by James Cook, BBC news. Header image by Murdo MacLeod.

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