Kathy Hinde

6 September, 2012

Flying to and at Aarhus Festival

I have just returned from a trip to Aarhus in Denmark. I went over to create the scenography for the Aarhus Festival opening gala event ‘Our Big World‘. The show was based on the concept of a different kind of television show, with live incoming broadcasts from around the world.  I based the design on my installation 1000 birds, and designed and built some BIG ‘origami style’ birds to hang in the set. The smaller paper birds were hung so they appeared in the background of the camera shots focussed on the 2 hosts of the evening. It was a really fun night with some humour, a great live band and a timelaspe of David Byrne’s ‘Tight Fit’ giant inflatable globe being inflated.
You can watch a video of the whole show… in 2 parts – here and here
Here are some pics from rehearsals and a few from the actual show… thanks especially to Will Datson who designed and made aluminium brackets to strengthen the wings and to Ernst, Frederik and other amazing people at Pappagallo ‘s workshop who helped enormously in the preparation for this.