Kathy Hinde

Up Coming Events

4 July – 3 November – Chirp & Drift at Park Serralves, Porto, Portugal, also included in Serralves Em Luz

18 July – 29 Sept 2024 – ‘Sound Pools‘ installation launched on World Listening Day at Wicken Fen National Trust Nature Reserve. Part of the project Listen to the Voices of the Fen.

27-28 July 2024 – Transmissions : Radio Art Lab, curated as part of the Brunswick Club Programme.

3 – 4 August 2024 – New collaborative performances with Ann Rosén, Sten-Olof Hellström and Matthew Olden at SCHHH Sommar Festival, Sweden

16 to 20 October 2024 – Tutoring at CAMP, Pyrenees – Environmental Listening with Carl Stone and Matthew Olden