Kathy Hinde

Twitchr : 2009

Twitchr is an on-line soundmap for bird-song and an offline series of bird listening walks created by artists Kathy Hinde & Ed Holroyd. The soundmap is interactive and can be played like a scrolling muscial score to generate new bird-song soundscapes. The walks include a talk by an invited expert.

TAKE PART by uploading a birdsong recording at www.twitchr.co.uk or come on a twitchr walk. Twitchr bird-recording-walks are organised to bring people together to listen and record birdsong.

Twitchr was first commissioned by Somerset Arts in November 2009 and relaunched at MOVE exhibition at Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster Arts in January 2019.

Previous twitchr walks include:
Leighton Moss RSPB reserve, Lancaster as part of a Chirp&Drift workshop
Ham Wall, RSPB reserve on the Somerset Levels for the Festival of Nature, november 2011 with talks by RSPB Sound recordist Tony Whitehead and composer Richard Barnard.
Sound:Site, Sonic Arts Festival at South Hill Park, October 2010.
Ham Wall, RSPB reserve on the Somerset Levels with ecologist Lisa Thomas for the launch of Twitchr in November 2009.